Artfully baked Naan bread.
Day 10. We enjoyed leisurely walk around the city center. Osh bazaar being the city's prime attraction.
Having managed 9 days and 1,400kms on the treacherous road, we came back to Bishkek - worth celebrating with a modest splash.
The stone statues.
Tower of Burana - one of the few remaining relics left by the nomads who ruled the area in the 11th century.
Ishuk Kul lake - the blue gem of the central Asia boasts highest transparency - second only to lake Baikal, in east Siberia.
Almost for a while day we drove on the northern shore of the lake back west. The snowy peaks of the Tien Shan range turned pink, then purple as the sun descended.
Our last fishing venue was Chon Kemin river, in the north of Balykchy. Again a gorgeous looking river that would impress even a Kiwi. But let me blame my poor fishing skill - again I could spot no fish.
Kyrgys basically is an arid land, with the snowfall on the alpine peak being the main source of the water supply.

Majority of the population are Muslim, with the architecture depicting an Islamic touch.
So ended our foray into Kyrgys, the land of divine peaks and beautiful rivers. Though a flat failure in terms of fishing, we enjoyed our time being in the elements, so pristine and so genuine. A wonderful road trip on the roof of the world - let me call it that way.

- Back


Before the big drive back, we took a dip in the hot spring, of which there are many in this volcanic part of the world. A sheer pleasure for anyone, especially so for us Japanese.
We drove thus far east, now time to turn west, heading back to Bishkek.
Occasionally we spotted stray camels.
We drove on to Karakol, eastern most city of Kyrgys, on the border with China and Kazakhstan.

Even the holy trinity church of Russian orthodox emits a distinct Asian flavor.
Except the trunk road linking a few population centers, almost all roads are gravel tracks.
Fishy Trips
Kyrgyz in Sept '18 - 3
Intriguing rock formations in Suka Suka.
And odd remnants of Soviet era here and there.